Friday, November 13, 2020


I think we all are a little frustrated with Disqus right now. It’s glitching which makes it hard for us Freaks and Geeks to enjoy threads, post music, chat with friends, or for Puddles the opportunity to share her favorite recipes. Something has got to give.

So I thought we could share our frustrations here. Tell us what problems you are having with Disqus. For me it’s a little bit of everything. But the inability to rely on notifications is the biggie. If it shows I have notifications sometimes they are ones I’ve already read. Other times it shows I have none at all but when I go to the notification page I have a bunch of new ones. I’m also having problems going to site to site. 

Share your glitches and also any suggestions or ideas that helps such as changing browsers. Or should we all just get hammered? Or give Disqus the bird? If you want to vent, please do. Just do so respectfully. And if I’m not here it’s because I can’t get here!!