Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday MADness: Life's Disappointments


Hello, Freaks & Geeks!

I was reminiscing the other day about the much-anticipated follow-up to American McGee's Alice, a video game featuring a dark vision of OZ, similar to the imaginative world created in McGee's Wonderland, since devastated and ravaged by evil forces.

Just as Alice was summoned to save Wonderland and return it to its original glory, Dorothy would be expected to do the same for OZ. Unfortunately, however, the project was canceled, and McGee never found the funding - or a publisher - to release the game.

Word has it, though, that a somewhat different version of the hyped franchise - OZombie - is on the horizon, including a TV series, along with a video game.

Sure, life has greater disappointments than the cancelation of a video game release, but it's life's little disappointments that we can usually look back on without feelings of pain, sorrow or deep regret.

So, what disappointments - large or small - have you experienced on your journey through Life?

Chat about life, in general, and post music, memes and gifs about life's disappointments and rewards.