Thursday, July 1, 2021

Not Another Quiz Thread


Good afternoon, Freaks & Geeks!

Let's talk about death.

Well, yes . . . and no.

Yeah, I know it sounds a bit morbid but hey, this is a forum for discussion and fun. And death can be fun, right?

Or funny, at least.

On the serious side, answer the following questions:

A. If allowed to choose, what would be your own cause of death?

B. What music or song would you like played at your funeral, wake or memorial service?

C. What epitaph would you like engraved on your tombstone?

BONUS: If you have a secret to reveal from your deathbed, who would need to be there to hear it?

On the lighter side, join me in memorializing the immortality-challenged. 

Post pictures, gifs, memes, or clips of funny scenes, all related to death. Let's laugh in the face of Death.

Enjoy & Have Fun?