Monday, July 5, 2021

80s On TV


Good whatever, Freaks & Geeks!

I hope you all survived the weekend, whether you spent it shooting off your appendages with illegal fireworks, gorging yourself at a barbecue, rooting for your favourite cyclist in Le Tour de France, binge-watching "Dark", or merely chilling with a good book or movie.

While I was waxing nostalgic for the 80s over the weekend, I came up with the idea for this thread, and found - YES! - another quiz to test your 80s knowledge, or recall, if applicable.

Before we get to the quiz, however, post about television shows you watched in - or from - the 80s. It will be particularly fascinating to read about shows viewed during the 80s in different countries.

Oh, yes, the quiz.

Can you complete the listed titles of TV shows that debuted in the 80s?
(Hint: They are all American programs.)

You have 5 minutes to complete the quiz!

You can click "Give Up" at any time.

Scroll down, click "Play" and begin typing. When finished, you'll see your % and the # of correct answers.
