Thursday, June 24, 2021

Showtunes + QUIZ

Willkommen, Freaks & Geeks!

I feel like listening to showtunes today, so I thought I would create a thread for them, as there are so many.

Although I have been a fan of Broadway musicals since childhood, there are many new productions I am not familiar with. Perhaps, some of you will introduce me and others to the beautiful numbers from them. I will try to do the same for you. Who knows? Maybe those of you who have an aversion to musicals may discover something here that you appreciate.

That's right, folks. Don't be shy. Come in, pour yourself a cocktail and drink in the songs of cabaret.

And now for the quiz . . .

Can you guess the missing word from the musical titles?

You have 3 minutes to complete the quiz.

You can click "Give Up" at any time.

Scroll down, click "Play" and begin typing. When finished, you'll see your % and the # of correct answers. 

Enjoy & Good Luck!