Sunday, May 23, 2021

What Will You Miss About the Pandemic?


Hello, Freaks & Geeks!

I hope y'all are enjoying your weekend.

Well, it appears we're returning to some sense of normalcy, as people go back to work and school, and businesses and popular activities continue reopening.

But, folks, let's admit it. There are some things about the pandemic we're going to miss. 

Yeah, there are the obvious aspects, like working from home in pajamas, or the global effects, like less traffic and congestion in supermarkets. But, how about the small, more personal, things that you've come to appreciate?

For instance, I'm going to miss weekly family Zoom nights. Although we won't be getting together  in person regularly, I somehow doubt we will continue these check-ins once everyone's lives resume.

I will also miss being able to walk around the corner for lunch and eating at home during the weekdays.

So, what are you going to miss, after you leave your pandemic prison?

Enjoy & Have Fun!