Thursday, May 6, 2021

Films You Love But Can't Recommend

Every now and again, I come across a film that, although I may appreciate its production values; applaud its directing, writing and acting; comprehend its controversial message; remain haunted by its horrific imagery; and may even include it in my Top Ten list, I remain reluctant to recommend it to anyone else.

Some movies can be disturbing, leaving indelible images in the mind that remain long after they have ended. These types of films I might recommend with a caveat.

Other flicks are simply fascinating yet difficult to recommend due to excessive violence, graphic sexual situations, controversial subject matter or other scenes that might make the viewer uncomfortable.

Then, of course, there are the "leisurely-paced" films studied by movie buffs, film students and critics, like yours truly, who have the patience and passionate desire to sit through them, often finding reward in the end.

What movies have you seen that you really enjoyed or appreciated but that you hesitate to recommend to your friends and family?

Enjoy & Have Fun!