Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Egg Hunt

 Good morning and
Happy Easter, fellow Freaks & Geeks!

I hope y'all are enjoying your festive Sunday.

Since gatherings are still limited in most regions and real Easter egg hunts are scarce, I thought it might be fun to have a virtual Easter egg hunt, of a sort.

Developers of websites and publishers of DVDs and Blu-rays have been known to hide Easter Eggs (special features tailored for fans, fun games for players, or in-jokes for those in the know) on their websites and digital video releases.

Try Googling "askew" or "flip a coin" (without the quotation marks, of course). Go ahead, Google it.

Remember the Harlem Shake? Although, sadly, no longer available, YouTube hid an Easter Egg for it.

If you're familiar with the Konami Code, try entering it into the GoSkills website to unlock an old school arcade game. For those unfamiliar with it, the Konami Code was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto (R.I.P. 1958-2020) as a cheat code for Konami video games. It has since been used by developers and publishers to offer hidden treats to those patient enough and determined to search for them.

For Star Wars fans, George Lucas included an Easter Egg on the DVD release for Episode III. The Easter Egg was originally intended merely as an in-joke surprise for the director of animation. Lucas saw it, loved it and insisted it be added to the DVD. If you own a copy, select "Options", type “1138” (an in-joke, itself) and report back.

I've come across some Easter Eggs of my own but never record them (silly me) for future reference.

I'll post some individual Easter Eggs for you to check out, but feel free to post your own.

See if you can find other Easter Eggs on the internet or in your own DVD/Blu-ray collection.

Enjoy & Happy Hunting!