Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Week Ahead

Hello, folks. So, in the next 7 days, a couple of events will be happening. The first one being the final episodes of Jeopardy featuring Alex Trebek will be airing.

If you're unaware, he filmed many episodes before his death. When reading about his final months and weeks, it's pretty incredible what he was able to accomplish. He summoned some remarkable inner strength just to drag himself to work each day. 

His last episodes will be airing this week, from Monday to Friday. 

Will you be watching?
Have you been watching all along?
Share any thoughts, stories or memories that you wish.
The second event that will be happening, which is in stark contrast to the event above, is that the NFL Playoffs will be kicking off over the weekend. I'm not sure how many sports fans we have here. Probably not that many, but it's not something that is discussed very often, so who knows.

Are you an NFL fan?
Is your team in the playoffs?
Do you have any predictions on some games or the eventual champion?

Feel free to talk about either of the above, or both. Enjoy, and have fun ....

Oh, and P.S., I also scooped up some Jeopardy Questions/Answers that I'll post along the way. Most aren't too difficult.