Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Funnies


What's up, Freaks & Geeks?

I hope y'all are having a fabulous Friday!

Anyhoo, now that newspapers are all but extinct, gone are those bright Sunday mornings, relaxing while sipping coffee and reading the Sunday comics... in colour!

My favourite childhood comics included Peanuts (of course), Calvin and Hobbes, Andy Capp, Cathy, The Family Circus, and Dennis the Menace.

At university, I graduated to Doonesbury, Bloom County and The Far Side.

Post-university, I was an avid fan of Matt Groening's Life in Hell, particularly Akbar and Jeff.

Life in Hell eventually gave birth to The Simpsons.

Do you read comic strips? Which are your favourites?

Feel free to post anything funny, even if not directly related to comic strips.

Enjoy & Have Fun!