Sunday, December 27, 2020

Remembering 2020


Well, fellow Freaks & Geeks, it appears we've just about reached the end of another year. Sure, 2020 was the year that wasn't, and I'm certain many of us would like to have a do-over.

And it is quite the challenge to reflect on this past year as anything but the Worst Year Ever.

But, if we look hard enough, I believe we can find at least one or two silver linings within the dark cloud of COVID.

So, before we hit that RESET button and take that leap into 2021, let's reflect on our positive experiences over the past year and set optimistic plans for the new year.

What have you done (or purchased) in 2020 that was enjoyable (or useful)?

What plans did you make for 2020 that you hope to reschedule in 2021?

What is the first thing you would like to do when it is safe to do so?

What wonderful thing did you do for yourself, or someone else, that you wouldn't have otherwise done, had it not been for the pandemic?

What wonderful thing did someone else do for you in 2020?

Feel free to answer any of the above questions or, simply, chat about 2020 and the approaching New Year.

Also, post music videos that you discovered or appreciated in 2020.

Enjoy & Have Fun!