Sunday, November 8, 2020

What Movies Make You Sweat?

Despite cold weather, some movies can make you sweat.

Action films set your heart racing with high-speed chase sequences.

Musicals take your breath away with energetic dance numbers.

Horror movies boost your adrenaline, leaving you with sweaty palms as the suspense and dread mount.

Perhaps the setting alone can induce a sweat.

Sure, why not?
When I was in the campus celluloid club, we booked two lecture halls, across campus from each other, to screen 
Gandhi. Both were sold out. The university was inland, so the weather was warm that afternoon. The A/C broke in the larger venue, which held well over 1000 seats. Bear in mind that Gandhi is over 3 hours long. On top of everything, we received only one print of the film. So I had to ride my bicycle between venues, transporting 1-2 reels of film (they're heavy if you've never carried one) every 20 minutes to ensure the other venue received them before the next reel change.

So what movies make you sweat? And why?

Feel free to post anything else that makes you sweat. But keep it family-friendly, please.