Sunday, November 8, 2020

New Battle suggestion: Timely Pleasures


Welcome ye all on my first post 
on Freaks & Geeks!!!

Now the Franchise Fury battle series are over - and they were popular - let's go straight for a new one. No not movies or tv-series, something entirely different...and more biased...

In many of these quizzes you'll get questions about favorite place to spend time or activity to do. Got me thinking what if we do a "competition" about best way pass time?

I know: different for everybody. And somethings not done by all. But so it was with the movies too. I haven't watched them all, but either heard about it read a review, or just quickly looked something up. And formed an opinion & went with the choice that seemed most appealing to my fancy.

Same thing with these. Many we all enjoy or would enjoy. Let's compare them!


I'll start off with a list, but you guys can of course suggest others below. Food and beverages, special places, hobbies, shopping, painting can include it all

(Of course when compiling the options, please put all of them at random, outside these categories.)


Food & beverages after all the popularity of pizza, bacon & booze is high on Disqus!  ^^

- barbecue with friends
- take-away at home (Chinese/ Italian)
- pizza & making a mess with friends
- drink at local bar with friends
- a drink in fancy bar
- tasting beers/ wine
- ice cream parlor
- tearoom
- meal in a restaurant
- street food tasting

Health & Care

- reading at hairdresser
- beauty center
- spa

or the things individually:

- massage parlor
- massage by lover or family member or friend
- sunbath
- back done with sun cream 
- solarium
- soaking in bath
- hot/ cold shower
- foot bath
- swimming pool
- jacuzzi
- sauna

- waterpark
- hot springs
- served at hotel
- work-out (fitnesscentra)

Indoor Activities

- chatting online
- reading a book/ comic
- watching a movie/ tv-series
- listening music
- playing favorite instrument (guitar, violin, piano, drums...)
- Arts & crafts
- the feel of sculpting with clay
- playing video games
- playing with toys/ Lego's
- games with kids
- board games with friends
- make-up/ face paint with kids

- enjoying warmth fireplace
- dozing off in chair
- rocking chair
- cuddling your pet
- doing house chores (some like it)
- assembling something (garage/basement/ shack)
- work-out (gym-exercises at home)
- practicing Yoga
- dancing with partner
- enjoying lounge music
- dance in group (Square dance)

- Cinema
- IMAX film (movies on surrounding screen) 
- convention (Comic Con)
- book fair
- theatre/ play
- concert (classical)
- Live concert (band)
- sport match live (boxing, wrestling)
- sport match on tv at home/ friends
- planetarium

Outside Activities

- skating
- kiting
- skiing
- fishing
- surfing
- sailing/ yacht/ kayak
- scuba-diving
- gardening
- walk in the park/ woods
- kicking leaves & chestnut shells in autumn
- collecting shells at the beach
- visit to botanical garden/ arboretum
- shopping
- hiking
- camping
- sightseeing on bicycle
- drive with new car/ oldtimer
- horseback riding
- visiting children's farm
- Zoo
- local fair
- traveling carnival
- snowball fight
- sleigh of the hill
- roll off grass hill
- bare feet on freshly cut grass
- outside game (tennis, croquet, Boules)
- games outside with group of kids


- local fair
- decorating Christmas tree
- preparations Halloween
- Halloween dress-up
- searching for & buying presents (outside)
- preparations feast (Halloween, Thanksgiving)



I'm sure we easily can have a selection of 128 (if that number is what's importantso Puddles (or whoever does the actual generator of calculating these matches) can make one about it.