Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Hello, Freaks & Geeks!

Oh, those Americans, always finding something to be thankful for.
Damn straight!

Regardless of whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, why not use the opportunity today to give thanks to someone special who has touched your life in one way or another?

So I'd like to take this moment to thank all of you, fellow Freaks & Geeks, for making this such a quaint and pleasant place to hang out. Even if it is a bit wacky at times. But, then, that's part of its charm.

And an extra special Thank You to Lovely Rita and Puddles for hosting the site and inviting me to be a mod, albeit a MAD mod.
And, of course, Thank You to my fellow mods and all the thread creators for keeping the momentum going, the chat flowing and the imagination alive.
So, keep it up, folks!

Feel free to post a Thank You gif, meme, pic or vidoe to anyone, on line or otherwise.

To tag someone, simply type the @ symbol, followed by their Diqus address, which you can find in their profile.
Then add :disqus after the address. To tag me, for instance, you would type "@MADasHELLzBELLz:disqus" (minus the quotation marks).

Enjoy and have a great day!