Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Oddly Satisfying

 Hello, F&G!

Hope everyone's having a good week so far. Mine's going pretty good!

Us humans, we are indeed a bit strange as you could see from MAD's thread yesterday, some more weird than others. But nonetheless, entertaining and intriguing to witness. 

We all have our little things others might call odd but I believe everyone has something that they find oddly satisfying.

What are some oddly satisfying things you have witnessed or do you enjoy doing? I like to peel. Whether it's dead skin from a sunburn, or peeling a filter from brand new tech. It's just peeling in general. 

It doesn't have to be gross, just odd.  
Remember that we are all odd creatures and there's NO JUDGEMENT here, we promise :D

***As always please respect each other, and avoid topics such as religion, and politics.***