Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday? MADness

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. - Howard Beale

I don't know about you but, sometimes, I feel like smashing my computer with an anvil or hurling it out the window.

Have you noticed the disastrous decline in quality cotrol, particularly in the tech industry? One would expect that, in the New Millennium, advances in technology would improve the viability of hardware and eliminate such buggy software. Alas, we frequently encounter issues that threaten much head-scratching, teeth-clenching and hand-wringing.

Then, of course, children can bring on early grey hairs... that is, if you still have any left to pull out.

And don't get me started on motorists.

They say don't sweat the small stuff, but the small stuff adds up.

So, what makes you want to get up right now, go to your window, open it and stick your head out and yell