Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday MADness


Good morning, Freaks & Geeks!
Well, it's nearing that time, again. With Thanksgiving a mere few days away, holiday shoppers are preparing for that notoriously manic sales event of the year... Black Friday!
Though this year's greatest shopping day is certain to look very different from that of previous years. Many shoppers may choose to shop on line, possibly waiting for Cyber Monday, to avoid the insanity and, more significantly this year, exposure to Christmas COVID (yeah, it's a thing). Either way, the holiday shopping frenzy begins this week.
Are you planning to shop on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
Is there something you just have to get your hands on this year?
Do you have any fond (or unpleasant) memories of holiday shopping?
Do you have any tips or leads on sale items?
Personally, I've never gone shopping on Black Friday... at least, not intentionally. I found myself in CompUSA one year, searching for a computer part, not realizing it was Black Friday until I entered the store and surveyed the chaos.
Anyhoo, post pics, gif, memes, music or anything else related to the holiday shopping season.