Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I'm Going to Spain


How are y'all doing today?

Anyone up for a challenge?

This one's called "I'm going on a trip". The rules are relatively simple.
The object of the game is to guess the criterion the OP has in mind for their upcoming trip.

1. With a specific criterion in mind, begin a post with "I'm going to ... [insert any place, preferably a travel destination] and I'm going to bring ... " [insert item that complies with your criterion]. Then ask, "What would you bring?"
2. Others reply with "I'm going to... [repeating the OP's phrase] and I'm going to bring ... [inserting item].
3. Depending on whether the item complies with the OP's criterion, the OP responds with either "Yes, you can" or "No, you can't". Continue until someone correctly guesses the criterion.
The OP may certainly provide hints.
See Featured Comment for example.