Friday, November 6, 2020

Franchise Fury - Final

Hello, all. Vote for your favorite ...

This is it, the Final. 1 match-up will be posted in the Featured Comment, and you vote for your favorite.

These Battles start out with 128, and runs until there's a winner. If you have any favorites to add, in any category (music, movies, tv, actors, actresses ..or anything else), just let me know and I'll include them next time.

If you have suggestions for future Battles, let me hear those as well.

Feel free to chat about anything you like, or play music, etc ...

Thanks to everyone who voted and participated, and for humoring me thru this. I always appreciate it!

Enjoy ..and have fun.

Stat Attack ...

Round 1: 64 Match-Ups / 1,506 Votes / 23.5 Votes per Match-Up
Round 2: 32 Match-Ups / 849 Votes / 26.5 Votes per Match-Up 
Round 3: 16 Match-Ups / 457 Votes / 28.6 Votes per Match-Up
Round 4: 8 Match-Ups /  238 Votes / 29.8 Votes per Match-Up
Round 5: 4 Match-Ups / 132 Votes / 33.0 Votes per Match-Up
Round 6: 2 Match-Ups / 71 Votes / 35.5 Votes per Match-Up
                                  3253 Total Votes

Sneaky Game #67: Name or post any movies or songs that contain the word "end". Or anything similar, like "last", "final", "goodbye", "done", etc .. For example, "Gone in 60 Seconds", or "Over the Rainbow".