Thursday, November 12, 2020

Beautiful words/phrases

Hey Freaks & Geeks!

Hope you all are doing fantastic! 

Last time, I made a thread about ugly words or phrases that just grind your gears!

But what about words or phrases that give music to your ears !

List some words or phrases you know that roll of the tongue beautifully. Who knows ? We just might learn some new words today!

Mine are... 

Oblivious - I don't know why but I love saying this word. I use it often too.

Silhouette - I love the spelling and the pronunciation of this word.

DilemmaI use this in replacement of "problem" rolls of the tongue easier.

MootThis word means shit in my language, like literally, shit. But it means something completely different in the english language but I love saying it especially when speaking to my parents. "You're making a moot point" They'd be like "WHAT YOU SAY?" and I'd be like but no that's not what I meant (we often speak half English half Albanian :P)

So there are mine, now what are yours?

****Make sure to keep politics and religion out! ****